Claire, I can’t wait to finally relax,” John said as we packed our bags. “I just need some peace and quiet, you know?”

I smiled, though I was preoccupied with packing Ethan’s toys.

“I know, John. We all need a break. But it’ll be fun for Ethan to see his grandparents and be spoilt with their love for a bit.”

Little did I know, my husband had rather selfish plans in mind.

At the airport, I was busy wrangling our toddler and managing the luggage while still trying to open a container of applesauce for Ethan. John mysteriously vanished.

“What the heck?” I muttered to myself, thinking that he probably went to the bathroom before we boarded.

Later, I spotted him again at the gate, looking unusually calm.

“Where have you been?” I asked, balancing Ethan on my hip.

“Just taking care of something,” he replied, a smirk playing on his lips. “And I needed to grab a pair of headphones.”

“Did you get me a pair?” I asked him.

“No,” he said. “I didn’t think you’d need one because you’d have to worry about Ethan.”

I couldn’t believe my ears. Who was this man?

But that wasn’t all.

As we boarded, John handed me our boarding passes, with his looking different from ours.

“John, why do you have a business class ticket?” I asked, feeling crushed.

My husband shrugged nonchalantly.

“I can’t deal with you and the kid right now. I need some peace and quiet for once. We’re going to be dealing with a lot of family from this evening.”

I bit back my anger for the duration of the flight. I didn’t have any other option but the thought of John reclining with a glass of champagne while Ethan pulled on my hair and fussed throughout.

“Try patting him on the back,” the woman next to me suggested. “Maybe that will calm him down.”

I smiled at her, not wanting to growl because my son had driven my patience to almost nonexistent.

“Thank you,” I replied as Ethan reached out a sticky hand to swat the woman’s hair.

It was one of the longest flights of my life, and by the time we arrived, my frustration had morphed into cold fury.

Of course, John was oblivious to my mood as we headed to his parents’ place.

“It’s so wonderful to see you! How was the flight?” John’s mother, Amy, said, taking Ethan from my arms.

I forced a smile.

“It was fine, Mrs. Smith,” I said. “Ethan was a bit restless, but we managed.”

John’s father, Jacob, eyed us keenly.

“And you, John?” he asked. “How was your flight?”

John grinned, completely missing the tension that was filling up the room.

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