Male Student Makes a Pass at Female Professor – Story of the Day

Jack flirts with Olivia, his professor. He is confident that with his father’s connections and the Dean’s backing, no one can stop him from getting what he wants. But things change when Olivia sets him up.

In the peaceful classroom atmosphere, the scratch of pens against paper filled the air. The professor, Olivia, swept across the room and stopped at Jack’s desk. He sat back, a confident smirk playing on his lips, as he casually flipped his test paper over and slid it across.

“Here’s my masterpiece, Professor,” Jack announced, his voice tinged with mischief.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Olivia picked up the paper, expecting the usual essay. Instead, her eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of a vibrant drawing of two people locked in a passionate kiss. Outrage bubbled within her as she looked up at Jack, who sported an ate-the-canary grin.

“Is this some kind of joke, Jack?” Olivia’s voice was rough. “Where is your essay?”

The student leaned forward, his eyes locking onto hers defiantly. “That is my essay, Olivia,” he said. “A picture is worth a thousand words, right?”

The suggestive tone of his voice was unmistakable. Olivia felt a flush coloring her cheeks as she struggled to maintain her composure. She wasn’t flattered. It was rage at the disrespect. She slammed the paper back onto his desk, her eyes flashing.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

“I am Professor Hudson to you,” she snapped, the sharpness in her voice cutting through the classroom’s quiet. “And this,” she gestured at the drawing, “is completely inappropriate.”

His response was a chuckle, devoid of any remorse. He leaned forward, nonchalantly raising his hand to touch her face. “I thought you’d appreciate a more… creative approach.”

Olivia straightened, pulling away from his hand as her back got rigid and her muscles tightened. “This is unacceptable. I expect a proper essay from you, or you fail this class.”

But Jack just shrugged, the smirk never leaving his face. “I’ll take my chances,” he said coolly, standing up to go. His laughter echoed behind him, a sound that grated on Olivia’s nerves as he strolled out of the room.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


Dean Roberts’ office door creaked open as Olivia stepped inside, her hands trembling slightly. The dean, a portly man with a face creased by years of paperwork, looked up from his desk. His frown gave away his slight annoyance.

“Professor Hudson, what brings you here?” Dean Roberts asked, leaning back in his chair.

Olivia took a deep breath, the image of Jack’s drawing still vivid in her mind. “I need to report an incident involving a student, Jack. His behavior in my class today was completely unacceptable,” she began, her voice steady but laced with underlying frustration.

The dean raised an eyebrow, interlacing his fingers. “Jack? You mean Mr. Monticello’s son, Jack?”

“Yes, that Jack,” Olivia affirmed, nodding rapidly. “He submitted a provocative drawing instead of an essay. It’s clear harassment.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Dean Roberts sighed, his expression shifting to one of weary resignation. “Olivia, you do realize that Jack’s father is one of our biggest donors? His contributions keep this department afloat.”

Olivia’s brow furrowed in disbelief. “So, we ignore his behavior because of his father’s money?”

The dean leaned forward, his tone changing subtling to something more… persuasive. “I’m not saying that. But you need to consider the bigger picture here. We can’t afford to upset Mr. Monticello.”

“But what about the standards of our institution? What message are we sending if we allow this?” she countered, her hands flailing with her agitation.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Dean Roberts’ face hardened. “My decision is final. Handle it discreetly. And Olivia,” he paused, his gaze meeting hers with a cold firmness, “if you push this matter, it could cost you your job. I have a meeting with Mr. Monticello later this afternoon to show him the new library renovation paid for with his donations. I want you to forget this matter by then.”

She sat there, stunned. The words ‘cost you your job’ echoed in her mind. A knot of despair formed in her stomach, but her gaze remained unflinching.

“Thank you for your time, sir,” Olivia said tersely, standing and leaving the office. Her mind raced with each step she took toward the faculty lounge. She didn’t want to lose her job, but Jack’s attitude had no business in academia.

Olivia couldn’t allow him to just harass and intimidate his way through the female teachers and student body. Then, she remembered the dean’s last words, and an idea came to mind. But she wasn’t sure if it would be successful. It would all depend on Mr. Monticello. Did the apple fall far from the tree? Or were they all birds of a feather?

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


The university library was a haven of tranquility that afternoon, its high ceilings and rows of books creating a cathedral-like reverence. Olivia sat at a table, waiting. She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she barely noticed Jack’s approach, but she was ready for it.

“Hello, Professor,” Jack crooned, his voice dripping with a smugness that immediately set Olivia on edge despite her plan.

She looked up, adopting an expression of weary frustration. “What do you want, Jack?”

He pulled up a chair and sat down, leaning in. “I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page about the… misunderstanding earlier. I heard Dean Roberts fixed everything.”

Her hands tightened into fists beneath the table. “There’s no misunderstanding. Your behavior was inappropriate, and it needs to stop.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

Jack chuckled. “Come on, Olivia. We both know that nothing’s going to happen to me. Dean Roberts is a bootlicker. Do you want to lose your job over a drawing?” He got close and sniffed her hair, but Olivia pulled away, pursing her lips to keep from shouting in the library.

Her cheeks flushed in anger, but she knew she had to tread carefully. “You’re mistaken if you think you’re untouchable, Jack.”

He leaned back, his typical confident smile fixed on his lips. “Oh, but I am. And you know what? There’s nothing you can do about it.”

She looked into his eyes, determined and unafraid despite everything. “You may think you have the upper hand, Jack, but this isn’t over,” Olivia said firmly.

Jack stood up. “We’ll see, Olivia. We’ll see.” Then, he sauntered off, his chin high in the air as if everyone else in the library was beneath him.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

But from the corner of her eye, Olivia noticed a slight movement, and a few seconds later came Dean Roberts’s voice. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Monticello. I’m glad you found the library yourself, but let me show you exactly what was renovated.”

Olivia looked at the two men and only made eye contact with the university’s major donor for a second. He was the wealthiest man in their town and had definitely witnessed this encounter. But she had no idea if he would do something about it.


Olivia stood outside Dean Roberts’ office for the second time that day but waited a few moments. Time to update my resumé, I guess. Then, she pushed the door open. But her mouth dropped slightly at the people before her.

“I’m sorry for interrupting,” she began to excuse herself. “I was informed Dean Roberts wanted to see me. I’ll come back later.”

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For illustration purposes only. | Source: YouTube/(DramatizeMe)

Mr. Monticello turned and shook his head, beckoning her to stay. The other person in the room was Mrs. Thompson, the university president.

“Wait. Please, sit down, Professor Hudson,” Mrs. Thompson said, gesturing to a chair. Her tone was serious but not unkind.

Olivia sat, her mind racing. Mr. Monticello’s presence was particularly unsettling after that scene at the library. But somehow, she was still hopeful.

“Professor Hudson,” Mr. Monticello began, his voice grave, “I witnessed the encounter between you and my son in the library earlier.”

Olivia’s heart stuttered before picking up a quick rhythm. She braced herself for a reprimand, but Mr. Monticello’s following words took her by surprise.

“I’m deeply ashamed of Jack’s behavior. I had no idea he was acting this way, and I apologize on his behalf,” Mr. Monticello continued.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Mrs. Thompson chimed in, “Dean Roberts has been relieved of his duties. His failure to address such serious matters is not in line with our university’s values.”

Olivia was stunned. The swift action was the last thing she had expected.

Mr. Monticello continued, “Jack will be sent to a military academy starting next week. It’s time he learned some discipline and respect.”

Her eyebrows popped as the room fell silent for a moment. The situation was seemingly resolved, but what did this mean for her?

“Professor Hudson,” Mrs. Thompson said, breaking the silence, “we need strong, moral leadership in the dean’s office. I believe you are the right person for that role after seeing your resumé and how long you’ve been with us.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Olivia’s eyes widened. “Me? Become the dean of students?”

“Yes,” Mr. Monticello affirmed. “I saw you didn’t back down from my son’s attitude. You also came to the dean to file a formal complaint. I’m told others haven’t been as brave. We need someone like you to lead and make the necessary changes in this new era.”

She sighed as her shoulders sagged with the relief and surprise of this proposal. It was both an honor and a massive responsibility.

After only a second of catching her breath, she nodded. “I’ll do it. I’ll do my best.”

In the following weeks, Olivia began implementing comprehensive reforms as the new dean. She established clear policies and procedures for handling complaints of harassment and other misconduct. Her open-door policy encouraged students and faculty to come forward with their concerns.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

Workshops on respect, consent, and diversity became regular events, reshaping the university’s culture. She worked tirelessly, her dedication evident in the positive changes that swept through the campus, and instead of putting off donors, more were encouraged to give their money.

One afternoon, as Olivia walked through the library, she overheard two female students talking about the changes at the university.

“Professor Alistair was fired. I heard he had been offering better grades in exchange for… you know… for years!” one said.

“I know! I heard that the football team’s starting quarterback and the tight end were suspended from two games after they drew lewd messages in the female bathroom,” her friend stated. “I can’t believe it. Things are really changing.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Unsplash

A smile spread across Olivia’s face as she kept walking. This was just the beginning, but it was a good start.

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

A cheating husband is shocked when his wife is released early after serving most of her prison sentence and shows up home at their door. He concocts a dastardly plan to get rid of her, which blows up in his face when she makes an unlikely ally. Here’s the whole story.

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